
Music and Nightlife
Venues for live music in Tlaquepaque include...
  Folkloric dancerThe local government often schedules free music and other performances, including folkloric dance, in Tlaquepaque Centro. Information on upcoming events is available at the tourist kiosks.

La Mata Tinta is set back in the Plaza de Artesanías at Juárez #145. Although open as a cafe/restaurant from 10 A.M. until 11:00 PM Tuesdays through Sundays (and until 1 AM on Friday and Saturday nights), at night La Mata Tinta is popular with fans of world music styles, such as bossa nova and trova.  A monthly poster, available online and around town, has details on upcoming performances.

Many of the up-scale restaurants in Tlaquepaque feature live music. Also, the Parián has mariachi groups through much of the afternoon and evening hours, as well as folkloric dance performances. Details are available at the tourist kiosks.
Radaid at La Mata TintaOne guide to nightlife in the Guadalajara area, including Tlaquepaque, is Ocio, the entertainment supplement included in every Friday morning’s edition of the newspaper, Publico. An online version of Ocio is available here.

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