Frequently Asked Questions about Tlaquepaque |

Besides the shorter topics below, there are separate FAQ pages for money matters, weather, and telecommunications.
Where can I find more information about Tlaquepaque before I arrive? |
Moon Handbooks: Guadalajara, by Bruce Whipperman, 3rd edition 2008, devotes a 19-page chapter to Tlaquepaque, with much detail about lodging, restaurants, and shopping.
The website (in Spanish) of Tlaquepaque’s city government, has a drop-down menu on turismo, not just in the historic center of Tlaquepaque but throughout the entire municipality.
The Wikipedia entry for Tlaquepaque provides an overview of Tlaquepaque’s history, population, and other factual data. |
An excellent list of links to websites for visitors to Mexico appears here on Stan Gotlieb's Oaxaca Newsletter. |
Where can I find more information about Tlaquepaque after I arrive? |
A tourist kiosk is located near the southwest corner of the Parián, on the north side of the intersection of Juárez and Progresso. It is open Monday - Friday, 10 A.M. to 2:30 PM and 3:30 - 8 PM; Saturday - Sunday, 10 AM - 2:30 and 3:30 - 7 PM. Another kiosk is in the north end of Plazoleta del Arte, at the west end of Independencia (daily 10 AM – 3:30 PM, 4:30 PM – 7 PM). Both kiosks are staffed with helpful attendants, at least one of whom speaks English, who can answer many tourist questions, provide maps, and distribute fliers about current events, tours, etc.
The official Tlaquepaque tourism office at Morelos #288 (second floor), open Monday to Friday, 9 AM – 3 PM, can answer questions and perhaps provide walking tours of Tlaquepaque Centro. |
The weekly Guadalajara Reporter and monthly El Ojo del Lago serve the expatriate communities of the Guadalajara and Chapala areas--in English. Besides being online, both publications print paper editions found in various places.
How is “Tlaquepaque” pronounced? |
The word comes from a Nahuatl phrase that (some local people say) means “Hill Where the Clay Comes From.” Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs and still spoken by a couple million people in Mexico, can have "tl" sounds at the beginnings and endings of words. We get our word "chocolate" (as well as the thing itself) from the Aztecs’ chocolatl ; "coyote," from their coyotl. |
Although to our ears and mouths it seems odd to have a "tl" at the beginning or end of a word, we do use it in the middle of words, such as "bootleg." Once you can pronounce the "tl" as a discrete sound unto itself, the rest of "Tlaquepaque" is straightforward--just tlah-kay-PAH-kay, with the primary accent on the next-to-the-last syllable. |
What medical services are available in Tlaquepaque? |
There are numerous pharmacies in Tlaquepaque Centro. The hospital nearest the center of Tlaquepaque with an emergency room is Hospital de Diagnosis, at Juárez #199. It is open until 8:30 PM, but the doorbell gives access for emergency medical services after that time.
Alternatively, any taxi can take one to Cruz Verde (also called Servicios Médico Tlaquepaque), a municipally funded emergency clinic and ambulance service in Tlaquepaque. Its emergency room is open 24-hours daily; the clinic, Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM; Saturday 8 to noon. Cruz Verde is at Marcos Montero #959; Tel 3635-0824 and 3837-2970. |
How can I contact my consulate? |
Guadalajara, being the second largest city in Mexico, has consular offices for most large countries, including the United States and Canada. |
Where is the post office? |
Tlaquepaque’s main post office is located at Guillermo Prieto #80; Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM; Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM. |
What about laundry? |
There are several laundromats in Tlaquepaque Centro, including one at Progreso #192-A, (8 AM – 8:30 PM daily). At most laundromats you can either do laundry yourself or drop things off to be washed, dried, folded, and picked up later. There is a dry cleaners at Morelos #154. |
Are public restrooms available? |
Restaurants provide restrooms for their customers; but for three pesos, anyone can use the Parián’s facilities just inside the southwest entrance. There are similar facilities on the north side of the upper floor of the mercado. |
What if I don't speak Spanish? |
Even if you speak only English, you still can have an enjoyable stay in Tlaquepaque. Most of the higher-end hotels, restaurants, and shops have staff members who can help you with your needs.
If you do know some Spanish, don’t be afraid to use it: Most Mexicans will appreciate the effort and be very forgiving of any errors you might make. If you find yourself in a situation needing more Spanish than you have at your command, very often a stranger will offer to help. (See also "Spanish Schools.") |
What kind of electricity is available in Mexico?
Electrical current in Mexico is 110V, 60Hz. Most plugs have two flat prongs; most receptacles, two corresponding holes plus (often) a third ground neutral hole. |
What time zone is Tlaquepaque in, and is daylight savings time observed?
Tlaquepaque, like the rest of central and southern Mexico, is in GMT – 6 (the United States’ Central Time zone). Daylight Saving Time begins on the first Sunday in April and ends the last Sunday in October. (Note that these dates do not exactly coincide with the dates in the U.S. or Canada.) More information is available here. |